How to layer your bracelets... like a Pro!

How to layer your bracelets... like a Pro!

We love to layer or ‘stack’ our bracelets at Boho Betty.

This is the art of combining several different jewellery pieces together for a combined winning look – it’s a brilliant way to really express your personality or your unique style, be it boho chic, glamour puss or boss babe. In this day and age of using our smartphones ( most cases waaaay too much)... our wrists seem to be right at the forefront of focus, and so perfecting the layered look is even more important. Furthermore, the more sunnier months, when we wear shorter sleeves and floaty dresses, are the perfect time to show these off.

So NOW is the time to get stacking... and HAVE FUN whilst you are doing it!

However, it can be a tricky thing to master as the vibe is always to make it look ‘effortless’… you know something you’ve just perfectly slung together. We always try and make it easy for you with our brilliantly curated ‘bracelet layering sets’ – you can just go with these OR go all out and create your very own gorgeously layered arm candy set.  

There aren’t any 'set in stone' rules but here are our top tips to make you ace the layering bracelet look.


Decide on a theme or style

Your aura might be boho, your look might be impress-the-Mums-outside-the-school-gate, your style might be work sophistication, your mood might be disco diva… whatever it is, decide what your mood is on the day, grab your jewellery box and pick out a handful of bracelets that might work.

Focal point hero piece

We always like to start with a ‘hero’ eye-catching bracelet – it helps to define the overall layered look as it sets the tone and colour for all the other bracelets you throw in. A sparkling Cartier watch or colour banded Apple Watch can absolutely be your anchor piece in the set too. A meaningful piece at the heart of your layers (I sometimes wear a chunky gold bangle that my Granny gave me) will always make your bracelet stack extra special.

Experiment with varying widths and textures

What makes a really good bracelet stack is when you play with different textures and widths within a complementary colour range. Add in a cute charm bracelet, a metal chunky chain bracelet, a bright beaded or gemstone bracelet, a woven cuff or simple bangle.

It’s the contrasting relationship that will make your unique bracelet style sing. For example pair a gold chunky chain style bracelet with a more colourful beaded friendship bracelet… it sounds as if it might not work but I promise you it looks gorgeous.


Mix yer metals

We’ve said this before, but long gone are the days when silver and gold couldn’t be seen together. Today’s trend is actually all about mixing and matching your metals –silver, gold, rose gold – you’ll be right up there with the style gods and we love this look. Just have fun.

Spice with colour

Add some colour pop to your style. Just don’t play it safe with gold or silver, throw in some eye-catching colour through the use of beads and gemstones. Sometimes it makes all the difference.

How many?

It’s not really about how many, it’s more about what works. We tend to go between two to five complementary bracelets (our gift boxed bracelet sets are usually around three) as we think this number balances well. But in truth, it’s your thing … so go with your own style and just be confident in what you wear.

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